
Jameis Winston says in a statement that he did not sexually assault any woman

Florida State quarterback Jameis Winston did not answer questions about the sexual assault allegations against him on the second day of his Florida State code of conduct hearing, but did provide a statement at the end of the hearing.

Judge Major Harding, former chief justice of the Florida Supreme Court, presided over the hearing and is expected to make a decision in the next 10 school days. Since FSU’s fall semester ends on Friday, Dec. 12, that could mean the ruling may not come until early January.

USA Today obtained a copy of Winston’s statement. In it he described the events on the night of December 6th to the morning of December 7th, 2012 and said that the encounter with the alleged victim was consensual.

Due to a lack of evidence in the case, Winston was neither arrested nor criminally charged. Because of the Title IX protocol, universities are required to investigate all allegations of sexual assault.

From the statement:

I have not committed rape or sexual assault (NAME REDACTED). I did not create a hostile, intimidating or offensive environment in the short time we were together. (NAME SAVED) had the ability to consent to sex with me, and she did so repeatedly through her behavior and verbal statements. I have never used physical violence, threats or other coercive measures against (NAME REDACTED). Finally, I have never endangered the health, safety or well-being of (NAME REDACTED).

Winston said he entered her number into his phone on the floor of a club in Tallahassee, Florida, and that they met outside the house as they were leaving and got into the same taxi.

(NAME REDACTED) was not “taken,” forced, or “coerced” into the taxi. She was fully aware of what was happening; She voluntarily left Potbelly’s in response to my text and voluntarily got into the taxi. If (NAME REDACTED) had protested, I would have left her at Potbelly’s. Plus, if she protested, the students and taxi drivers outside Potbelly’s would have heard her. (NAME REDACTED) was fully aware of her actions and did not protest at all. (NAME REDACTED) left us voluntarily.

The taxi ride to my apartment took about five minutes. During the journey everyone was happy and chatting. We asked (NAME REDACTED) if she had any friends who might want to come and join us. I remember she called some friends to come to our apartment.

Winston then described the encounter and the role played by his teammates Chris Casher and Ronald Darby. Both of Winston’s teammates were involved in a code of conduct hearing earlier this year over their roles in the incident.

Winston’s statement contained explicit sexual details about the night in question.

After the encounter, Winston said he drove the woman back to her apartment on his scooter.

(NAME REDACTED) got dressed. While she was getting dressed, I asked (NAME REDACTED) where she lived and she told me that her apartment wasn’t far from mine. I also got dressed and we left my apartment and got on my scooter. (NAME SAVED) sat behind me on the scooter and wrapped her arms around my waist. After a short ride, maybe three to five minutes, we reached the curb in front of Salley Hall. As I pulled to the curb, (NAME SAVED) got off the scooter, hugged me, and walked across the Salley Hall walkway to her dorm, Kellum Hall.

Winston is scheduled to play in Florida State’s game against Georgia Tech in the ACC Championship Game on Saturday evening. Harding gave lawyers for Winston and his accuser up to five days to file legal briefs from the hearing and has 10 class days to announce his decision in the case. After the decision, each party has the opportunity to appeal.

He explained his decision not to answer any questions at the end of his statement.

Rape is a cruel crime. The only thing as evil as rape is falsely accusing someone of rape. (NAME REDACTED) and their attorneys have falsely accused me, threatened me with a lawsuit, demanded $7,000,000 from me, waged a destructive media campaign against me, and manipulated this process in such a way that my rights have been and will continue to be seriously impaired . (NAME REDACTED) and her lawyers’ public campaign to vilify me guarantee that her false accusations will haunt me for the rest of my life.

At some point they will be held accountable, so I have determined that it is in my best interest to exercise my right under Rule 6C2R-3.004 (6)(d) of the Florida State University Student Code of Conduct and to answer questions as necessary, attorneys and other experts can help me confront (NAME REDACTED) false accusations and if (NAME REDACTED) is charged with the penalty of perjury and other claims because (NAME REDACTED) falsely accused me of rape.

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Nick Bromberg is deputy editor of Dr. Saturday on Yahoo Sports. Do you have a tip? Email him at [email protected] or follow him on Twitter!