
Emma Watson has just made a small statement for female sexuality

Just days after Emma Watson announced that she would be taking a break from acting to focus entirely on feminism, she is already campaigning full-time for gender equality – and is starting to talk about women’s sexual desire.

At a meeting with feminist icon Gloria Steinem on Wednesday, the 25-year-old said Harry Potter The star revealed that she uses adult subscription site OMGYes, a website designed to help women and their partners understand female sexuality.

“A friend told me about this website called OMGYes, which is dedicated to female sexuality,” Watson said. “I wish it had been around longer. Definitely check it out. The subscription is expensive, but it’s worth it.”

Emma Watson has just made a small statement for female sexualityEmma Watson has just made a small statement for female sexuality

This is exactly the kind of feedback OMGYes founders were hoping for when they launched the site, which teaches various techniques to improve users’ sex lives. It includes a touchscreen feature with “touchable simulation” that lets subscribers test their new knowledge on an image before trying something in real life. As OMGYes co-founder Rob Perkins said microphone Previously, the site offered practical applications for existing scientific research on human sexuality, essentially providing an instruction manual for the female orgasm.

“We’re experiencing something of a hangover from the previous generation, where people still have a hard time seeing women as sexual beings in their own right,” says OMGYes co-founder Lydia. “It’s pretty new to see women as beings with their own desires.”

Having an actress like Watson endorse OMGYes is obviously a huge boon for the site itself, which aims to engage real women in conversations about closing the orgasm gap. But it’s also an important step toward talking openly about female pleasure—and ultimately achieving sexual equality.

By at least briefly addressing the importance of sexual desire in her own life, Watson signals that it is okay for women to consider their own desires and, more importantly, to take responsibility for fulfilling them.

As Watson herself has noted before, all steps toward gender equality ultimately add up, no matter how big or small. Treating women’s orgasms as mysterious, elusive phenomena plays into a larger double standard that holds women back, much like other forms of benevolent sexism Watson has denounced in the past. As she made clear with a brief mention of pleasure as a mundane but nonetheless important part of life, one of the best ways to fight back against it might simply be to satisfy sexual preferences.