
Pune police question 17-year-old about Porsche crash; teen claims he can’t remember anything because he was drunk

The Pune city police reportedly questioned the 17-year-old boy who was the prime suspect in the May 19 Porsche accident. The teenager was being questioned at the Yerwada observation home, where he had been lodged since May 22. The interrogation, which took place on Saturday, was aimed at bringing to light the events that led to the tragic incident that left two IT professionals dead.

The intensive questioning lasted for over an hour, from 11:30 p.m. to 12:30 p.m. During this time, the youth claimed that he could remember the events of the night of the accident as he was drunk at the time. The suspect’s mother, who was also present during the questioning of the 17-year-old, was also arrested early on Saturday. In addition, officers from the Criminal Investigation Department, including Deputy Commissioner of Police Sunil Tambe and the District Child Protection Officer, were present during the questioning.

Despite police’s continued efforts to extract information from the youth, the boy remained cooperative and did not provide any further details to authorities, citing memory loss due to his intoxicated state during the incident.

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A criminal investigation officer explained the questioning: “Our officers asked the minor about his whereabouts before the accident, his stay at the Blak and Cosie bars, his driving of the Porsche, details of the accident, the tampering with evidence, the taking of blood samples and medical tests. The minor answered all questions with a single answer: he could not remember anything because he was drunk.”

Initial investigations had revealed that the minor and his companions had visited Blak and Cosie pubs and had racked up a staggering bill of Rs 48,000 before the tragic accident. In addition, statements of two other minors who were travelling in the vehicle were recorded by the police in the days following the incident.