
Only half of respondents say they have a sexually transmitted disease before having sex, or believe they should


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An overview of the current state of research shows how complex it is to inform one’s partner of the diagnosis of a sexually transmitted infection (STI) before engaging in sexual activity.

The prospect of disclosure evokes different feelings and emotions in those affected. Research shows that only about half or fewer of those surveyed felt able to tell a partner about their diagnosis before having sex.

The results, published in The Journal of Sexual Researchalso show that a similar number of people felt they should be required to tell their partner before having sex that they have a sexually transmitted disease.

In order to stop the spread of the infections studied – HIV is excluded – the team of experts at the University of Tennessee is calling for comprehensive sex education throughout life, from adolescence to late adulthood.

“Many people lack adequate and comprehensive sex education,” the authors explain in the article. “Instead of learning how to properly use prophylaxis, recognize its limitations, and understand the extent and transmissibility of STIs, youth are simply encouraged to abstain. Individuals diagnosed with STIs may be in a vulnerable position and may face difficult decisions, the consequences of which can damage their identities and relationships.”

“The process of disclosure is complex. Certain contexts, particularly committed relationships, require disclosure, while others prevent disclosure. Disclosure is an interpersonal process that affects not only the person faced with the decision to disclose but also the intended recipient.”

Overall, the researchers emphasize that their findings underscore “the need for continuous and comprehensive sexual health education throughout the life course and an increase in the number of states that offer comprehensive sexuality education.”

In the United States, approximately one in five people is infected with an STI at any given time, and more than 26 million cases have been reported to health services.

Cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis have been at record levels for years and, according to official figures, are continuing to rise.

Methods recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to prevent infection include talking with partners about sexual history, such as disclosing an active STI, and using prophylaxis (e.g., using condoms, oral dams, vaccines

Some health authorities, including in the United States, recommend disclosing an active STI.

However, this new study, which examined 32 articles, shows that fear can prevent many people from disclosing their diagnosis.

Other reasons were that people believed that using a condom would provide sufficient protection, that they were not under any obligation, such as a one-night stand, or that they were afraid of being abandoned. Some even said they pretended not to be infected so they wouldn’t have to tell anyone.

People who confided in their partner did so out of love, moral reasons, or relationship-related reasons, such as greater levels of commitment, quality of the relationship, length of time spent together, and a sense of closeness.

Those who disclosed infection used a variety of methods to inform others of their STI status. Those who did not disclose infection used strategies to pretend not to be infected, withdraw from relationships, and use STI outbreaks to time their sexual activity.

Herpes and HPV were the most commonly reported diseases in the study, but chlamydia, gonorrhea and trichomoniasis were also common. The results also showed that the experiences of people who are victims of sexually transmitted diseases are not well represented in such studies.

“One of the key factors that determines whether a person will disclose is the intended recipient. The recipient’s reaction and response, as well as the relationship with the recipient, can have a critical influence on the discloser,” the authors add.

“It is therefore imperative that we examine recipients’ experiences to more fully understand the STI disclosure process. In this way, we can further improve sexual health education and care for all.”

Existing research on sexually transmitted diseases has limitations, such as a lack of data on sexual orientation. The authors of the study therefore aimed to fill knowledge gaps and identify areas for future studies.

Her focus was on self-disclosure of STIs to current and former partners. Disclosure is the voluntary or involuntary sharing of personal information with another person, such as the fact that that person has an STI.

This is different from partner notification, which is similar to contact tracing and may involve the use of anonymous messaging services.

Limitations of the paper included that only English-language research was reviewed and that there were only a limited number of reviewers.

Looking ahead, the authors suggest that future research should be careful to take a destigmatizing approach.

“It is everyone’s responsibility to have conversations about sexual health,” they conclude.

More information:
Disclosure of sexually transmitted infections to sexual partners: A systematic critical literature review, The Journal of Sexual Research (2024). DOI: 10.1080/00224499.2024.2343927

Provided by Taylor & Francis

Quote: Only half of respondents say they have an STI before sex, or believe they should (June 6, 2024), accessed June 6, 2024 from

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