
Weather Alert Day: Storms will bring hail, wind and possible tornadoes on Wednesday

The ABC 17 Stormtrack Weather Alert Team has declared a weather alert day Wednesday due to the threat of severe storms. Hail is the most likely threat and can produce damaging winds and tornadoes.


Another low pressure area will bring a warm front to the region on Wednesday morning. This will cause instability and potentially trigger morning thunderstorms. If the cold front moves through in the evening, storms are possible in the evening. The first round could have an impact on how big the second round is. If we don’t see much activity in the morning, we can expect stronger storms and a higher chance of severe storms throughout the evening.


Storms may develop until 7 a.m. This scenario would spread storms across the region by midday. There may still be thunderstorms in the afternoon and evening. All of them have great potential.


Unlike the storms on Monday and Tuesday, hail may be our biggest concern. Both rounds have hail potential, but the largest hail would be reserved for the afternoon and evening rounds. How widespread this is locally depends on morning activity. This will also be the case with a lower but still severe wind and tornado threat. Shear forces near the low moving overhead increase our tornado risk. With the afternoon forecast somewhat unsettled due to morning activity, the greatest threat appears to be south and east of I-44. Still, the risk to central Missouri from the Lake of the Ozarks to I-44 in our southernmost counties is greatest after 3 p.m

It is imperative that there are multiple ways to obtain alert information. Make sure emergency alerts are turned on on your phone and download the ABC 17 Stormtrack weather app to receive these alerts as soon as alerts are issued. A NOAA weather radio is a great resource to wake you up overnight. Prepare your severe weather gear now. At the very least, have a flashlight, sturdy shoes, and essential medications nearby to take with you on the way to your accommodation.