
Gynecologist who sterilized a patient during a cesarean section without her consent will be suspended for a year

  • Dr. Olusegen Lawrence Olujide had “no excuse” to carry out the procedure
  • The incident happened at the Royal Hampshire County Hospital in Winchester

A consultant gynecologist who sterilized a new mother during a caesarean section without her permission has been suspended for a year.

Dr. Olusegun Lawrence Olujide had “no excuse” to perform an “outdated” procedure on the patient during the birth of her baby at the Royal Hampshire County Hospital in Winchester.

He did not receive permission from the patient and there was no clinical justification for doing this without consent, a disciplinary hearing was told.

Dr. Olujide also failed to inform his colleagues that he wanted to perform the sterilization and subsequently failed to inform the woman that he had done so.

Concerned colleagues alerted supervisors about his behavior, who then “took immediate action to ensure other patients were not put at risk.”

Dr. Olujide no longer works for the hospital.

Dr. Olusegun Lawrence Olujide sterilized a patient without her permission during the birth of her baby at the Royal Hampshire County Hospital in Winchester (pictured)

He admitted wrongdoing following the August 6, 2020 incident.

At the hearing, Katie Nowell, counsel for the General Medical Council, said the method used by Dr. Olujide sterilized the patient, the use of diathermy on the fallopian tubes was outdated.

She also said he was left with “limited reflection” after the incident and that he didn’t realize exactly where he went wrong – although she said he has now apologized to the patient.

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The court decided that Dr. Olujide was impaired and decided to suspend him from practicing his profession for 12 months.

Dr. Olujide called for the suspension period to begin in 28 days so that patients under his care can be referred to another doctor in a timely and responsive manner.

Ms Nowell added that the GMC was not calling for Dr’s immediate suspension. Olujide demanded, stating that there had been no complaints about his conduct since the incident in August 2020.

Tribunal chairman Gul Nawaz Hussain KC said: “After considering all submissions in this case, we have come to the conclusion that a 12-month stay is appropriate.”

A spokesman for Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust said: “We would like to thank the patient affected by Dr. Olujide, express our deepest regret.”

“Obtaining patient consent is fundamental to ethical practice, as the General Medical Council makes clear, and to the provision of good care. There is simply no excuse for what happened.

“We are very grateful to our colleagues who recognized that Dr. Olujide carried out the procedure without consent and raised the alarm.”

“It allowed us to take immediate action to ensure other patients were not put at risk, and we were able to sincerely apologize to the patient and explain what had happened.”

“We respect the decision of the General Medical Council and the further review by its court and can confirm that Dr. Olujide will not be reinstated by Hampshire Hospitals.”

“When patients of Dr. Olujide are concerned, we ask you to get in touch via our patient advice and liaison service by emailing [email protected] or on 01256 486766.”