
Red Dead Redemption 2 player murders every NPC in the game just to see what happens

You could choose to live a quiet life, but where’s the fun in that? Surely it’s much more entertaining to go on a killing spree in the game instead.

This is not the first time a player has decided to punish NPCs simply for their existence – a Skyrim Players deleted 5,000 characters in one go, simply because they could.

It seems that the bloodlust continues, only now in the Wild West of Red Dead Redemption 2.

This is what happens when you put a man to sleep Red Dead Redemption 2

Admittedly, the game isn’t exactly blood-free, but you don’t have to murder that many NPCs…

In a YouTube video by Deelwheels, we see what happens when John loses his nerve after failing to win at any of the card games he plays.

Frustration turns to anger and John freaks out.

According to Deelwheels, by the end of their rampage they had eliminated about 2,000 NPCs.

Rockstar Games fans find this turning point hilarious to watch, with many joking about how Arthur begged John to turn away from such a destructive life, but over the course of this playthrough, John embraced it instead.

Others were amazed at the depth of depravity of some RDR2 Players crash.

“He lost at gambling and then killed everyone in the entire game,” posted user @crazy922blade.

They added: “The funny thing is that this guy was actually pretty calm compared to what other people would do in this situation (…) Red Dead players with low honor are scary, man.”

Oh yeah, it seems that dishonorable players usually play faster and looser than Deelwheels. “The least crazy dishonorable player,” commented @Froshly.

When all hope is lost—and the game becomes too heartbreaking—the only way to resolve the matter is to go out and shoot.

If you’re not into such a bloody ending, you can enjoy a far more joyful reunion between John and Arthur instead.

Think of it as an opportunity to cleanse your soul after all the horrors you have just experienced.