
curated cinema: Convicted felon and rapist Donald Trump remains a major threat to the USA and the entire world

Sorry for putting Cheetos Hitler in your timeline, but that is important.

Almost four years ago – in September 2020 – I reviewed the incredibly important documentary #Unfit: The Psychology of Donald TrumpI have written:

I know it’s a pipe dream, but I wish every American would see this film before Election Day. Trump opponents may not need any more convincing to vote against him, but it’s still worth getting a clear understanding of Why Trump is such a threat to the whole world, not just to the United States. (It is not just that we feel he is dangerous. There is solid scientific and medical evidence to support this.) And pro-Trump supporters urgently need to realize that he doesn’t care about his voters at all, because he is unable to take care of them. Trump supporters must understand that he never do everything that benefits them, that he uses them for his own purposes.

This is also true in another election year, in which Trump is running again despite not only being a convicted felon and rapist, but also clearly in the advanced stages of a form of dementia. Added to this is the diagnosis of malignant narcissism, which a whole series of psychologists confidently made in this film, and which already makes him seem completely unsuitable for the office of President of the United States. This is something that anyone who is not blinded by a cult has clearly recognized during his last four years in the White House.

He may no longer be able to string a few words together into a coherent sentence, but he was always a monster. And now that he’s been cornered by the justice system and publicly humiliated, he’ll be even more dangerous than ever. (Here’s a recent interview with John Gartner, one of the psychologists featured in #Unfit, about Trump’s recent – and terrifying – cognitive decline.)

I don’t usually underline the streaming information I mention, but – once again – this is important. #Unfit Is free for streaming to Prime members in the US and UK and is very cheap to rent in the US (99 cents) if you are not a member. It is also transatlantic cheap on Apple TV – 99 cents/99 pence. The film is also available on Kanopy, a streaming service that free to anyone in the United States with a library card. You have a library card, right?

(Read my 2020 review.)

USA: Stream on Prime and Kanopy; Rent/Buy on Prime and Apple TV

UK: Stream on Prime; Rent/Buy on Prime and Apple TV

See #Unfit: The Psychology of Donald Trump at Letterboxd for more viewing options, including in all other regions of the world.

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