
Watch This Hilarious Old Chef Commercial

Every time you enter Chef’s Restaurantone can’t help but feel nostalgic. Many Buffalo residents have been sitting in front of those iconic red checkered tablecloths, trying to spot who’s in their vast collection of celebrity photos while tying on our giant bibs, for most of our lives.

Chef’s, which opened in 1923 on the corner of Seneca and Chicago Street here in Buffalo, New York, is a treasure trove for local Western New York foodies and tourists alike. The popular restaurant was purchased from its original owners in 1954 by Lou Bittlinger, who was originally hired at the hot spot as a dishwasher when he was 12 years old. (times were different then, obviously).

Less than a decade later, Bittlinger would come up with the chef’s most famous and celebrated creation: his incredible spaghetti parmesan.

Bittlinger and his good friend, former WKBW personality Dave Thomas, came up with the idea of ​​covering a plate of linguini with tons of gooey mozzarella. However, after concerns that the dish might come out too much after being put under the broiler, they decided to throw some of the chef’s famous pasta sauce under the cheese before trying to melt it.

(Also, sorry to tell the calorie-counting people in Buffalo, but they also added butter – and a lot of this.)

The rest is delicious history, and the chef’s signature spaghetti parmesan has become one of the most famous dishes the city of Buffalo is known for, besides the chicken wing.

Here’s a sweet blast from Thomas’ past talking about how the idea for spaghetti parmesan came about (PS – did you know his son was the guy who played Buffy the Vampire SlayerIs this the boyfriend? You learn something new every day.)

Speaking of blasting from the past and learning something new about our interesting Buffalo history, we had no idea that This The ad was hiding in Buffalo’s coffers until the popular restaurant started airing it on TV again recently — and boy, do we love it!

Have you seen the Chef restaurant advert that aired recently?

We admit that most millennials and Gen Zers who hear about “The Hanson Brothers” imagine those teenagers singing “MmmBop” and making preteen girls green with envy. However, if you were old enough to get into this R-rated comedy Slap throw in 1977, you will immediately think of the zany and hilarious Canadian main characters who starred in it.

Basically, if you haven’t seen the movie, it’s about a struggling minor league hockey team who are just starting to beat up their opponents and fans out of anger while screaming during a Canadian crash in barely understandable. It may be a stupid movie, but it’s amazing, especially if you’re a hockey fan. (And we’re not the only ones who think so – it made $28 million – a lot for the 1970s – at the box office).

So what do the Hanson Brothers have to do with one of Buffalo’s most famous restaurants?

WATCH: Vintage Chef TV Commercial Featuring the Hanson Brothers and Sabers Star

In 1997, Chef’s began bottling his favorite sauce and selling it in stores and restaurants, and whoever came up with this brilliant idea to promote it deserves a local Emmy.

The advertisement featuring SlapshotThe hysterical trio of , with the veteran of the Buffalo Sabers Rob Raywhich aired on local Buffalo TV stations when the sauce was released in the late 1990s. However, Chef’s has started airing the commercial again, most recently during the Stanley Cup Final this week, and we don’t could be more delighted.

READ MORE: 7 Former Sabers Made the Stanley Cup Final

Watch the incredible ad below and don’t forget to put Chef’s Pasta Sauce on your grocery list.

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Gallery credit: Brett Alan

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Gallery credit: Canva Image and Getty Image via Kadie Daye