
Strap in – here’s how many sexual partners Brits have on average

How many people have you slept with? Do you know the number or have you stopped counting? It’s okay if you don’t remember, because this new survey may be able to help you.

A new survey from YouGov RealTime has found the average number of sexual partners among Brits – and you may be surprised by the answer.

The mysterious average number? Four. For men this number is five over the course of their lives and for women it is three.

Not surprisingly, the survey found that these numbers change across generations.

Anyone over 60 is likely to sleep with three people in their lifetime, but people aged 40 to 59 report having done the deed with up to six partners. For all 30- to 39-year-olds, this number drops to five.

A quarter of Brits have been out with 10 or more people, surprising that there is a double-digit gender gap: 30% of men say they have had at least 10 sexual partners, compared to just 20% of women.

One in six people surveyed by YouGov said they had only slept with one person in their lifetime – and hello again, the gender gap. 13% of men had only one sexual partner, compared to 21% of women.

Additionally, sexual wellness brand Lovehoney surveyed over 2,000 adults to explore how many of us have had sex on the first date and why we’re open to it – or not.

Not surprisingly, over 70% of men are open to sex on the first date, while 61% of women are not.

Almost half of Lovehoney survey respondents said they had sex on the first date. Men are particularly vulnerable to going on a first date: almost 60% of male respondents admit to having done so.

Women, on the other hand, are slightly less likely to jump into bed straight away, with only 43% having had sex on the first date.
