
Expectant father brags about detailed plan to sexually abuse his unborn child, Illinois authorities say

An expectant father bragged about his plans to sexually abuse his unborn son, federal officials said.

Adam Stafford King and his husband were expecting a child via surrogate in California on Friday, March 29. In a criminal complaint filed on March 21, King is accused of sending child pornography via social media to a suspect in New York.

King, a well-known Chicago-area dog show judge and veterinarian, was charged with knowingly distributing child pornography, according to court documents.

King’s attorney did not immediately respond to McClatchy News’ request for comment.

According to court documents, FBI agents searched the man’s phone and found videos containing child pornography that had been sent to a man in New York via the social media platforms Scruff and Telegram.

According to officials, Scruff is a platform commonly used by gay and bisexual men who want to meet other men.

In the messages, officers also found photos of King’s unborn child’s ultrasound and photos of a baby outfit intended for the child. In November, King told the New York suspect that he planned to sexually abuse his son when he was “no longer a newborn,” according to court documents.

According to court documents, King also boasted about his “extensive collection” of child pornography. Some of the videos discovered featured boys between the ages of 9 and 11, officials said.

Officials also reported finding messages in which King revealed that he drugged and abused his nieces and nephews. According to court documents, he said he would sedate the children with Benadryl before abusing them and give them “double the dose of an adult dose.”

When FBI agents arrived at King’s Elburn home, they found him in the shower with his phone. Agents said they found the baby outfit seen in the photo sent to the New York suspect.

According to court documents, King’s husband also confirmed that the ultrasound image was of their unborn child.

A detention hearing is scheduled for Tuesday afternoon.

Elburn is located about 50 miles west of downtown Chicago.

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