
10 were arrested during the evacuation of the MIT camp

10 were arrested during the evacuation of the MIT camp

CAMBRIDGE DISTRICT COURT IN MEDFORD TELL TODD BEN AND JESSICA of MIT THAT THE PROTESTERS HAVE RECEIVED FOUR SEPARATE WARNINGS TO EITHER MOVE OUT OR THREAT ARREST. TEN PEOPLE DID NOT DO THIS AND WHEN POLICE AND TACTICAL EQUIPMENT MOVED THIS MORNING, THEY WERE ARRESTED. THREE PEOPLE, FOR EXAMPLE PRO-PALESTINE PROTESTERS, SINGING FROM A DISTANCE. MIT DEMONSTRATORS IN THE AM MIT CAMP ARE ARRESTED BY THE MIT POLICE EARLY THIS MORNING. The end of a three-week camp that the institute said was a flashpoint between pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel supporters. THE PRESIDENT OF THE MIT RELEASED A STATEMENT NOTIFYING THAT THE ESCALATION IN RECENT DAYS HAS BEEN A TURNING POINT DUE TO EXTERNAL THREATS BY INDIVIDUALS AND GROUPS ON BOTH SIDES. Things were not moving in a direction that could be described as peaceful, and the costs and disruption to the community at large made the situation increasingly untenable. We did not believe that we could responsibly allow the camp to continue to exist. According to MIT, ten protesters were arrested without incident and now face prosecution. We didn’t have that many people there. That’s because we’re not married to that camp. THIS CAMP IS NOT WHAT OUR PROTEST IS. While the arrests took place inside the camp, other pro-Palestinian protesters gathered near Mass Avenue. We have seen that MIT will do anything, even endanger the well-being of its own students, to distance itself from this ongoing genocide. Throughout the camp’s three-week lifespan, calls from the pro-Palestinian side grew louder for MIT to distance itself from ISRAEL AND ISRAELI BUSINESSES. Protesters say these calls aren’t going away. THE CAMP IS ALSO. Our cause is that the people of Gaza are the end of the genocide in Palestine, and we will come back by any means we see fit. We’ll be back, we’ll be back. WE’LL BE COMING BACK. We remain here for you following today’s court hearings here at Cambridge District Court in Medford. THIS CERTAINLY WILL NOT BE THE END. THE PRESIDENT OF MIT WRITES IN HER LETTER TO THE COMMUNITY THAT SHE HAS NO ILLUSIONS THAT TODAY’S ACTION WILL BRING AN END TO THE CONFLICT ON CAMPUS. LIVE REPORT IN MEDFORD

10 were arrested during the evacuation of the MIT camp

Ten protesters were arrested Friday as a pro-Palestinian camp on the MIT campus was cleared.

Ten protesters were arrested Friday as a pro-Palestinian camp on the MIT campus was cleared.