
Eleven-year-old boy is attacked by XL bully while protecting his younger siblings

Image source, Family photo

Image description, Theo had to be treated at Grange Hospital in Cwmbran after the XL bully attack

  • Author, Iolo Cheung
  • Role, BBC News

An 11-year-old boy has described the “terrifying” moment he was attacked by a dangerous dog while trying to protect his younger siblings.

Theo had to be taken to hospital for stitches after being bitten by an XL bully outside a house in Newport.

He was out walking with his family when the dog appeared – but he showed courage and quick instincts to make sure they came to no harm.

“Because I know my brother and sister are terrified of dogs, I thought I would distract the dog,” he said.

“I thought I could run faster, but then I tripped and it caught on the back of my leg.”

The incident occurred outside St Michael’s Church in Pillgwenlly shortly before midday on 30 June as the family walked to their car after a church service.

They noticed an XL Bully in front of a nearby house and waited until it went back inside before passing by.

But the dog came running towards them again, whereupon Theo reacted quickly and distracted the dog from his nine-year-old brother Frankie and his seven-year-old sister Susie.

“They were all behind me, so I just ran to the left, went around a car, but then fell over,” he said.

The dog was eventually dragged away by his owner, but not before biting Theo in the thigh, causing puncture wounds and a deep cut.

“When I looked down and saw the blood on the floor, I felt it,” Theo said.

“Having such a big dog chasing you is not very nice.”

Image source, Family photo

Image description, Theo’s father Michael said it was a “scary” moment as he did not know how serious the injuries were

His father Michael Hughes, 43, did not witness the incident but was quickly on the scene.

“If the owner hadn’t been there or it had been a smaller child, it could have been really bad,” he said.

Theo was then taken to hospital, where he said he was looked after “really well” by the staff, although he was unable to sit down due to his injuries.

Father Michael added that he and Tina were “angry and scared” about the situation.

“We all just wanted to go to the hospital and, most importantly, get good news,” he explained.

“There are arteries on the back of my leg, it was just an all-round scary moment.”

Image source, Family photo

Image description, Theo’s bravery prevented a potentially worse attack on his siblings Frankie and Susie, says his father

Fortunately, Theo is on the mend and will have his stitches removed on Thursday. He hopes to be healthy again soon and able to play football and rugby.

“I’m feeling much better, I can almost walk again now,” he smiles.

However, for some of his classmates – including a friend who wanted to get a new boxer dog – the incident already served as a warning.

“The day I got back to school and he found out what had happened, he said, ‘I’m not getting one,'” Theo said.

“Everyone at school was very nice to me.”

And even though the attack has not made him dislike dogs in general, he is now cautious of dogs “that have mouths that reach as big as their necks.”

Image source, Family photo

Image description, Theo is now waiting impatiently for the all-clear so he can play rugby and football again.

Although owning an XL Bully is not illegal in Wales, owners must be registered.

“I think they should be banned altogether,” said Michael. “Signing a piece of paper is too easy. They’re out there without a muzzle and they’re attacking people.”

“More needs to be done because these dogs are a real weapon. I know it’s sad, but I don’t see any other way. They seem to attack for no reason.”

Theo agrees: “Yes, get rid of them.”

Gwent Police confirmed they had been informed of the incident.

“An 11-year-old boy was taken to hospital for treatment, his injuries are not life-threatening,” it said in a statement.

It further stated that a “registered XL bully dog ​​was handed over to officials by the owner” to be put down.