
“Perfect Match” star receives unflattering comment about her sexuality from fellow contestant

The big picture

  • Men in Perfect Match should not fetishize bisexual women like Chris Hahn did with Dominique.
  • Perfect Match is designed to provide a safe dating environment for sexually flexible participants.
  • Sexually flexible women at Perfect Match deserve respect and self-determination, not objectification.

Perfect match presents reality stars from various Netflix Shows in a house. They must find their partner or risk being replaced by someone else. There is always an odd number of men and women, so the power changes. But the show was also open to same-sex couples. The first season showed Francesca Farago have a date with Humphreys Abbey. It didn’t work out and the ladies looked for other men. This break with conventionality gives hope for greater representation of LGBTQIA in the future.

Season 2 of Perfect match features a reality star who is interested in meeting men and women with Dominique Defoe. However, how the men around her react to her sexuality is very different than in Season 1. We see the fetishization of bisexual and pansexual women in different ways in both seasons. Here’s what men learn from watching Chris Hahn.

Chris Hahn called Dominique Defoe’s sexuality “funny”

Image via Netflix

Dominique starts the season paired with Bryton Constantin from Squid Game – The ChallengeThe couple were so incompatible that they argued on the first evening. Luckily, she had a date for paddling with Chris from Dated and related in episode 2. Of course, they talked about their experiences in their previous shows. “So… I didn’t find any guys I was really interested in,” Dominique said about Too hot to touch. “I liked a girl on the show.” Chris asked if she was bi-curious or bisexual. “Just, you know, the sexual variety,” she replied. At first the model said it was cool, then, “It’s fun.” Dominique was speechless. “It’s definitely fun. I don’t mind,” he insisted and she laughed.

Describing someone’s sexuality as “fun” is not true acceptance. We wouldn’t give that description to a heterosexual person either. Being open to dating people of any gender says little about the person’s lifestyle or attitude toward relationships. You can’t assume that a person is interested in dating multiple people at once or being promiscuous. Chris later learns this in a very uncomfortable situation.

In episode 3, the men were allowed to choose one woman to stay in the house. He told Dominique that he was curious about her bisexuality. “It opens a lot of doors and of course I want to explore that,” he said. He speaks clearly about her sexuality as a chance for him. We don’t see him talk about how he feels about her or ask about her feelings so he can make his decision. This would be a typical conversation between people making their own decisions.


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“I am monogamous,” she finally said. “A lot of people look at bisexuality and think they are freaks. They have threesomes and open relationships and things like that. But that is everyone’s choice.” Dominique said in her interview that Chris is a “Spectacle of their sexuality.” Chris chose his friend, Elys Hutchinson when he realized that he would not get what he wanted from Dominique. This made his behavior even more offensive and showed that a bisexual woman who could have been interested in him if he treated her like a human being is more readily available to him than a straight girl who has a platonic relationship with him. To make matters worse, he did not reject Dominique in a private conversation, which was a courtesy extended to all straight women. He puts her with Xanthi Perdicomatiswhich was paired with Stefan Ditter, and rejects both of them. Xanthi and Dominique pointed out how inappropriate this was, since Xanthi had no interest in him.

Is bisexuality really a good indicator of whether someone is interested in non-monogamy? A 2014 study found that the desire for non-monogamy was higher among sexual minorities of all genders, based on an online community sample. It’s important to note that this isn’t just limited to bisexuals, but includes lesbians and gays as well. Considering that the LGBTQIA community often has to create their own scripts for dating in relationships since society’s focus is only on heterosexual monogamous relationships, this trend makes sense.

A 2015 survey of 975 men and 1,046 women found that 10 percent of women and 18 percent of men had threesomes. Their sexuality was not disclosed. Men also reported having had more experiences with threesomes and group sex in the past month, the past year, and in their lifetime than women. However, women reported having more experience with swinger parties. You can never predict what someone is into, so it’s best to get beyond the stereotypes.

Perfect Match needs to change for bisexual women

Bryton and Dominique face each other wearing helmets at “Perfect Match”
Image via Netflix

There is reportedly more to the men’s treatment of Dominique. She took to social media and spoke about her tense interactions with Bryton. The show made it seem like the two had argued about whether yoga was a real workout. In a TikTok, she revealed that it was more serious. “We actually argued because I advocated for entire groups of people and he constantly used hateful rhetoric,” she claimed. The dancer was worried about how her “It depicts “explosive and angry clashes over hate speech.” She admitted to having faced misogyny and homophobia during filming.

Perfect match does more than other dating shows by having sexually flexible women in the cast and allowing them to pair up. But inclusion doesn’t mean much if the environment isn’t safe. During casting, candidates should be screened to ensure that no one comes with discriminatory views that could hurt others. Women are already put in a vulnerable position on the show by sharing private bedrooms with men immediately after mating, and it’s the least they can do in return for that risk.

It’s important to note that bisexual women are a vulnerable population. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, bisexual women are at a higher risk of partner violence. Researchers also looked at mortality data from the past 30 years and found that sexual minority women died 26 percent earlier than heterosexual women. “Bisexual women face different stressors both outside and inside the LGBTQ community that are rooted in biphobia,” study author Brittany Charlton said, according to Harvard. “In addition, bisexual people are often excluded from various communities because they are assumed to be straight or gay based on the gender of their partner.”

Perfect Match – Season 2 – 4 – Cast
Image from Netflix

Heterosexual men are not the only ones who cause discomfort. In the first season, Francesca kissed her girlfriend, Kariselle Snow, after her date with Abbey. Abbey said she felt uncomfortable doing it and the cast claimed the friends’ kiss was “innocent.” We’ve never seen a heterosexual kiss in the house between people who aren’t in a relationship downplayed like that. In season 2, we see the cast play a flirting game. Elys was asked to kiss the person in the house she likes the most. She didn’t kiss Chris because they were just friends. The business owner kissed Alara Taneri and the camera panned to all the men’s faces to see a reaction.

Women can kiss whoever they want. But it’s brutal that we see more women kissing while men stare and say it doesn’t mean anything than that the show takes sexually flexible women seriously about dating each other. Scenes of women being platonic and kissing in a party atmosphere also play on the stereotype that sexually flexible women want to perform sexually in front of an audience. They want to perform these acts primarily because they enjoy them, rather than to give other people pleasure.

Fetishization and alienation should not be the name of Perfect match Game. The show wants to be sexy and entertaining, which can be achieved by showing that bisexual women have agency and are taken seriously. The teaser shows Dominique and the other cast members returning in later episodes. Hopefully she will find a better person who does not display homophobic or biphobic views, and the people behind Perfect match will change his behavior. Perfect Match Season 2is available to stream onNetflix. Watch on Netflix