
Residents demand re-arrest of rape suspect

Residents of Woodland Site 11, Pietermaritzburg, are calling for the re-arrest of a man who was released after allegedly raping a woman in front of her three children.

The man was detained for three days before being released back into society.

On Monday, residents marched to the Mountain Rise police station to protest the release. The victim, who wished to remain anonymous for fear of further attacks, described the incident.

“I live in a house that belongs to his family, so he comes and goes as he pleases. He is known for drinking and causing trouble, but I never believed he could do something like this to me or any other woman,” she said.

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She explained that the man came into her room while she was with her two young children. Her boyfriend and eldest son were not there at the time.

He came in and locked the door behind him. Then he grabbed me roughly and threw me to the ground. That’s when I realized he was serious and I started screaming for help and trying to fight him off.”

“His sisters came out but struggled to open the door. They called the police to no avail. Then they called my friend, who was with my eldest son. They came to the house and struggled to open the door. My friend went to get the police,” she said.

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Eventually the police arrived, broke down the door, found the man still lying on it and took him into custody.

Residents say they no longer feel safe in their community.

“This man is causing big problems. He has threatened us several times. We don’t even feel safe when we go shopping because he is still roaming our streets,” said a resident.

The protest only ended when the victim was taken to another police station and promised answers. Members of uMkhonto Wesizwe (MK) were also present and demanded justice for the victim.

Mzwa Goge, an MK member, said they were there to support the community and ensure the law takes its course. The police have not yet commented on the matter.