
Teaching assistant from Ripon sent to prison for fondling and having sex with a 10-year-old boy

Denise Povall from Ripon, a former primary school teacher, was sent to prison for sexually abusing a ten-year-old boy.

Povall groomed her victim, buying him gifts and sending him text messages so she could carry out a “nasty and persistent” campaign of sexual exploitation

She had sexual intercourse with the child and performed sexual acts on several occasions.

The offences occurred in the 2000s when she worked for a school in the Harrogate district.

But to this day, Povall, now 61, takes “absolutely no responsibility” for her actions, which, according to the victim, have profoundly affected his life.

The victim came forward as an adult and reported the crimes to North Yorkshire Police, which led to extensive investigations into the teaching assistant and lunchtime supervisor.

During police questioning, Povall flatly denied that any crimes had taken place.

However, detectives from North Yorkshire Police’s Non-Recent Abuse Investigation Team opened a case and charged her with a number of serious offences, including inciting sexual intercourse with a child, inciting sexual activity with a child and sexual assault by touching.

She continued to deny all offences and pleaded not guilty, but a jury at York Crown Court found her guilty of all charges during the trial.

Today, a judge at the same court sentenced her to eight years in prison and ordered her to sign the sex offenders’ register upon her release.

Detective Constable Alison Morris, who led the investigation for North Yorkshire Police, said:

This has been a long and comprehensive investigation into some of the most serious crimes we face as detectives.

What we have uncovered can only be described as vicious and persistent sexual abuse of a young child by a paedophile.

Povall takes no responsibility for the harm she caused in her victim’s life, so I am glad we were able to provide the victim with some closure.

It was incredibly brave of him to speak out, especially given the widespread misconception that women do not commit such crimes.”

DC Morris added: “Because of the way paedophiles like Povall prepare, manipulate and control their victims, we know that child sexual abuse is underreported.

That’s why I want anyone who thinks they have been sexually abused – no matter how long ago it happened – to know they can come forward. We have specially trained officers and work with organisations that provide excellent practical and emotional support.

You can contact us at any time on 101, report the incident via our website or contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. Our website also has further information about the support available to you.