
Indigenous woman survives domestic violence attack

Alexandra James Banuelos is now calling for more support for survivors, especially for her community.

DENVER – A Denver Indigenous woman says she is recovering from a violent attack by her husband and believes it could have been prevented with better access to support services for victims of domestic violence, particularly in her community.

More than a week after the incident, Alexandra James Banuelos’ face is still covered in bruises in shades of dark purple, green and yellow. Her left eye is completely swollen shut.

“The last thing I remember was him grabbing my hair and wrapping it around his fingers… hitting me while he held me down,” Alexandra said.

Her escape left a bald spot on her head, physical evidence of her desperate attempt to survive. On May 6, she informed her husband, Brandon Banuelos, that she wanted a divorce. She says he punished her for it.

Many of her memories are hazy, but one thought was clear to her: “I thought I was going to die,” she said.

This wasn’t the first time Alexandra said she faced violence from Banuelos. She filed a protective order against him after his arrest for alleged assault on Feb. 14. Banuelos’ criminal record includes several arrests for assault and domestic violence, including a protective order from another woman.

Denver police said they are currently investigating the May 6 incident, but no arrests have been made yet. Alexandra doesn’t know where her husband is, but she knows she has to leave Colorado.

“I’m afraid he’ll come back and finish the work he wanted to do. I feel like if he found me he would kill me,” Alexandra said.

Alexandra considers herself lucky to have survived.

“My family, we are indigenous people. Some of my family members have disappeared, others have been murdered. Their cases are still unsolved and they are still missing to this day. I didn’t want to become another statistic,” she said.

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, more than four out of five American Indian and Alaska Native adults have experienced some form of violence in their lifetime. Alexandra emphasizes that her community lacks sufficient resources—a reality she has experienced firsthand.

“I have been trying to escape this marriage since February 14 and there is no help for us,” Alexandra said.

Below is a list of resources for victims and survivors of domestic violence.

Especially for indigenous peoples:

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