
Sydney paedophile teacher Shane Andrew Matthews sentenced

A paedophile teacher trembled uncontrollably in front of a Sydney court before being sentenced to 18 years in prison.

The deputy headmaster recruited gullible boys and deceived their parents while planning his crimes.

Paedophile teacher Shane Matthews from Sydney was convicted at the Campbelltown Court of sexually abusing 16 students.Paedophile teacher Shane Matthews from Sydney was convicted at the Campbelltown Court of sexually abusing 16 students.

Paedophile teacher Shane Andrew Matthews shook uncontrollably in a Sydney court before being sentenced to 18 years in prison. Source: 7 News

Victims and their families gathered outside Campbelltown Court on Monday to see justice done as Shane Andrew Matthews was sentenced to 18 years in prison.

The trusted teacher sexually abused 16 elementary school students. His crimes were described as calculated, predatory and systematic.

The court heard that his victims were boys aged ten and eleven and that he used reward systems to gain their trust.

Paedophile teacher Shane Matthews from Sydney was convicted at the Campbelltown Court of sexually abusing 16 students.Paedophile teacher Shane Matthews from Sydney was convicted at the Campbelltown Court of sexually abusing 16 students.

The deputy headmaster recruited trusting young elementary school students and deceived their parents while planning his crimes. Source: 7 News

Matthews specifically targeted students who needed extra help and abused them in special tutoring sessions.

The teacher rocked back and forth and shook uncontrollably as the details of his offences were read to the court. The judge said he had little chance of rehabilitation.

“The question is whether he is truly remorseful and contrite … in my opinion he shows no remorse whatsoever,” said Judge Jennifer English.

Paedophile teacher Shane Matthews from Sydney was convicted at Campbelltown Court (pictured) of sexually abusing 16 students.Paedophile teacher Shane Matthews from Sydney was convicted at Campbelltown Court (pictured) of sexually abusing 16 students.

Victims and their families gathered outside Campbelltown Court to see justice served as Shane Andrew Matthews was sentenced to 18 years in prison. Source: 7 News

“He is a disgusting pedophile,” said a man outside the courtroom.

“We have spared many children from being locked up and are happy that he will not commit any crimes for a long time.”

“I think that surprised most people, that he made sure he was popular,” one woman added.

Matthews will be eligible for parole in 2028.