
Myanmar: The promised investigation into the shooting of a high-ranking monk must actually take place

Responding to news that Myanmar’s military has issued a rare apology and pledged to investigate the murder of a prominent monk, Montse Ferrer, Amnesty International’s Deputy Regional Director for Research, said:

“After thousands of people have been killed since the 2021 coup, Myanmar’s military authorities have issued an unprecedented apology and promised to investigate the tragic shooting of a high-ranking monk. But given the military authorities’ record on human rights, apologies ring hollow and promises leave little hope for justice.

“The pattern of this killing is consistent with many other violent incidents in Myanmar. At first, the military authorities tried to deny blame and blame the resistance forces for the killing. But when a brave witness and survivor of the shooting came forward, the military authorities were forced to backtrack.

“Myanmar’s military authorities must launch thorough, impartial, independent, transparent and effective investigations into the thousands of killings they have ordered, overseen or tacitly encouraged since the coup. This is not an isolated incident, but a normal aspect of life in Myanmar, where people are paying the price for the reckless conduct of a military that has no respect for human rights.

“The authorities must bring those allegedly responsible in this case to justice in fair trials and ensure that victims are granted access to justice and effective remedies. The authorities must respect, protect, promote and ensure the human rights of all people in the country.”


On June 19, Bhaddanta Muninda Bhivamsa, a high-ranking religious representative of Myanmar’s Buddhist community, was shot dead while driving in Ngazun Township in Mandalay region, according to military-controlled media. The 78-year-old was the head abbot of the Win Neinmitayon monastery in Bago region. He was traveling with another monk, who was injured as well as the driver.

Initially, the military blamed the incident on the People’s Defense Forces, armed groups that emerged in response to the February 1, 2021 coup. But the military quickly changed course after shooting survivor Bhaddanta Gunika Bhivamsa posted a statement on social media about the incident that contradicted the military’s account.

The surviving monk said the shooting occurred at about 10:30 a.m. as the group passed through a checkpoint. Military personnel stationed nearby later told him they had mistakenly targeted the vehicle, believing it belonged to resistance forces.

“I asked the soldiers: Why are you so cruel to us? We are monks. The soldiers replied because we did not know that you are monks. They immediately admitted it,” he said in his video post.

Then, on June 22, the military issued a rare statement promising an investigation and expressing regret. It said there had been clashes in the area and when a car tried to pass during a search operation, they “stopped it by firing shots.”

A spokesman promised to take “necessary action” based on the results of an investigation. A video also circulated of General Min Aung Hlaing, who seized power in a coup in 2021, apologizing for the incident on June 24 through an intermediary at the monastery in Bago region.

Myanmar’s military has killed more than 5,300 people since the 2021 coup, according to the monitoring group Assistance Association for Political Prisoners.