
Weather warning day / Hurricane Beryl makes landfall and moves north

Hurricane Beryl re-strengthened into a hurricane last night and has been making landfall as a Category 1 hurricane since 4:00 a.m. with winds of 80 mph. The Houston metropolitan area and the southeast Houston coast are being hit by torrential rains. The highest storm surge recorded this morning was 3-5 feet.


-A 22.5 foot wave was caught by a buoy in the area where Beryl was rotating this morning

-An unconfirmed wind gust of 93 mph near Matagorda was picked up by a storm chaser

-Tornado warnings appeared at 4:00 a.m. in rainbands west of Houston

Bryan College Station and the Brazos Valley are likely to be affected by rain bands ahead of Beryl over the next few hours. Beryl will move northward and weaken throughout the course of today.

Areas along I-35 may see rainfall between 1 and 2 inches; our easternmost counties may see rainfall between 3 and 5 inches, causing flash flooding. Areas west of I-35 are expected to see rainfall between 1 and 1.4 inches. Since Beryl moved even further east last night, impacts to CenTex are expected to be less than forecast.

Here’s what a model is showing off after lunch today:

Be careful, Central Texas! Turn around, don’t drown