
Two sexual assaults in downtown Missoula lead to police investigation Saturday | State

MISSOULA, Montana – Missoula police are investigating two sexual assault cases that occurred downtown over the weekend.

Police Captain Eddie McLean said in a statement that the suspect was last seen Friday evening. He was a white man who behaved suspiciously before approaching the victim in a secluded area of ​​the city center.

Officials do not currently know if the two attacks are related, but said the victims did not know the attacker.

Both victims were alone at the time of the attacks, one was threatened with a weapon.

If you have any information that may assist in the investigation, please contact the Missoula Police Department at (406) 552-6300. If you wish to remain anonymous, you may also contact Crime Stoppers at (406) 721-4444.

The department also asks the public to be alert while out and about and, if possible, to walk with another person.