
Man held boy captive and sexually abused him

A serial sex offender left a teenager with flashbacks and “serious” ongoing problems after brutally holding his victim by the arms and sexually abusing her.

The traumatized victim froze during the horrific ordeal and was left crying and panicking. He immediately ran away from the scene to escape further abuse.

He later “courageously” told police about his ordeal and it was clear that what he had endured had had a “profound” effect on him, Hull Crown Court heard.


Michael Broxholme, 54, formerly of Hull, admitted indecent touching the boy.

Prosecutor David Godfrey said the victim went to police to report the sexual abuse committed by Broxholme. The court heard Broxholme was formerly known as Michael Greenwood but had since changed his name by deed.

Broxholme was living in Albert Avenue in Hull at the time. The boy was still vividly aware of the abuse.

Broxholme had intimately touched the victim after grabbing and holding him by the arms. The boy cried and ran away from the scene where the incident occurred.

The abuse had affected his life and he suffered from flashbacks. Broxholme had previously been convicted of similar crimes.

Nigel Clive, mitigating, said Broxholme had not committed any further offences since then. “He can’t really remember it but he accepts what was said,” Mr Clive added.

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“He has no excuses. What he did was wrong. It is proven that the risk posed by this defendant is minimal to non-existent.” Broxholme was in very poor health.

Judge John Thackray KC said the sexual abuse still had a profound impact on the victim. “He will never fully recover from your offending,” said Judge Thackray.

“He has been brave in reporting the crime recently. One should have understood how much this type of crime can affect people.”

Broxholme, who was recently released on bail and lives in Longwestgate, Scarborough, was sentenced to one year in prison and must register as a sex offender for ten years.

“Ultimately, the offence is simply too serious to warrant a suspended sentence,” said Judge Thackray.