
Boating accident in Toledo Bend leads to drowning of two people

Rumor has it that strong winds and a rapidly approaching thunderstorm were the cause of a horrific boating accident yesterday at Toledo Bend.

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According to the Sabine Parish Sheriff’s Office, a boating incident was reported to the Sabine Parish Sheriff’s Office shortly before noon on Tuesday, May 28.

Initial information gathered by the SPSO indicated that a fishing boat capsized in the Pirates Cove area of ​​Toledo Bend Lake. There were six people on the boat at the time.

Of these six, four were able to save themselves by swimming, two allegedly drowned. They were found and rescued.

The Louisiana Department of Wildlife & Fisheries (LDWF) is the lead investigator of the incident and will release further details as they become available.

Sabine Parish sheriff’s deputies, LDWF agents, and North Sabine and South Sabine fire district agents participated in the rescue effort.

No names of survivors or deceased have been released so far.

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Gallery credit: Gary McCoy