
False alarm: Smoke from train triggers alarm for rescue workers in Douglas County in the Larkspur area

Officials in Douglas County reported a fire in the Larkspur area late Wednesday afternoon, but it turned out to be a false alarm. Concerns about a fire in the area just before Memorial Day weekend prompted a major response from multiple emergency agencies.

Smoke rising from a train along the Interstate 25 corridor drew the attention of the sheriff’s office, first responders from Larkspur and Castle Rock, and the Jackson 105 Fire Department. The accident near Spruce Mountain Road resulted in a traffic closure in the Larkspur area, which has since been lifted.

“DCSO, Larkspur Fire, Castle Rock Fire, Jackson 105 Fire all at the scene of a train fire,” the sheriff’s office posted on X on May 22 around 6 p.m.

According to the sheriff’s office, no fire was reported as of about 7 p.m.

The southbound I-25 exit to Spruce Mountain Road was closed along with the Upper Lake Gulch Road exit. The train blocked the intersection on Perry Park Avenue in the Larkspur area.

No injuries were reported, said Deputy Cocha Heyden, spokesman for the sheriff’s office.

As of about 7 p.m., all roads have reopened and the train is no longer blocking intersections or streets, the sheriff’s office said on X.