
No systemic sexism or homophobia at AJU after investigation

A law firm commissioned to investigate allegations of a discriminatory and toxic culture at the Conservative movement’s rabbinical school at the American Jewish University found no systemic problems, the university said.

But some students experienced sexism or homophobia amid what many perceived as an atmosphere favoring men and people with traditional gender roles at AJU’s Ziegler School of Rabbinical Studies, according to a summary of the investigation that university administrators distributed to the university community via email.

Several former Ziegler students whose complaints led to the investigation questioned the school’s conclusions outlined in the summary and called on the university to release the report itself.

“Let transparency drive this discussion,” one of the former students, Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg, said in a Facebook post in response to the university’s email. “If there is no systemic harm, great! Nice! Share the report and show your calculations.”

Keren McGinity, a #MeToo activist who has been advising and helping the former students organize, called on the university to follow Hebrew Union College’s example, which hired a law firm to conduct a similar investigation three years ago and subsequently released the firm’s report.

“Not releasing the full report – as HUC did – suggests they have something to hide,” McGinity said of AJU. “Refusing to release the investigative report puts the spotlight on the institution and those who caused harm, rather than those who were harmed.”

Learning TALMUD and other Jewish studies at the Migdal Oz Seminary in Gush Etzion: Despite Hitler, Jews still learn, research and discuss because we survived. (Source: GERSHON ELINSON/FLASH90)

The report will not be published

An AJU spokesman told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency that the school does not plan to publish the report.

As part of its investigation for AJU, law firm Cozen O’Connor distributed an anonymous survey to current and former members of the campus community and received responses from approximately 200 people.

Cozen O’Connor also interviewed 60 people, including 12 of the 13 former students who signed a letter last year whose allegations sparked media coverage and the university’s decision to commission an investigation. (The ethics committee of the Rabbinical Assembly, an association of Conservative rabbis, launched a separate investigation into the matter around the same time.)

In the email announcing the conclusion of the investigation, the university promised to take steps to improve its culture and update relevant policies. A Title IX coordinator will be hired to provide training, education and prevention regarding discrimination and harassment, and students experiencing problems will receive additional support.

“We acknowledge these experiences and sincerely apologize to those who suffered harm, particularly in a rabbinical school where caring and pastoral support are paramount,” the email said. “During this time of introspection and self-reflection, we have learned many valuable lessons about how to best care for our students, and we will take the necessary steps to ensure that the reparations process described above is effectively initiated.”