
Brazilian singer Ayres Sasaki dies in bizarre accident on stage

A Brazilian singer died from an electric shock during a performance on stage. Ayres Sasaki was performing at the Solar Hotel when the accident occurred.

Sasaki was performing at a hotel in Salinópolis, northern Brazil, when a fan jumped on stage to hug him. The combination of the wet hug and a nearby power cable resulted in a fatal shock – it is unclear how the fan got soaking wet. Speaking to local media, Sasaki’s aunt said: “We know that his performance was scheduled for a specific time and was brought forward, but we are contacting people who were with him at the time to understand how everything happened. We will collect all the information and release it in a statement to the press.”

The Brazilian Civil Police said they were investigating the case, while the Solar Hotel issued a statement on the tragic death. “We are firmly committed to supporting his family and taking the necessary measures. We reiterate our commitment to fully cooperate with the competent authorities in the proper investigation of the incidents.”

Sasaki is highly regarded in the Brazilian rock scene. His fellow singer and close friend Adriano Freitas praises his talent. “He was the best singer and guitarist in Belem. He was a great friend, family-oriented and attentive to his friendships and those who appreciated his work. Sasaki leaves behind his wife Mariana, whom he married just eleven months ago. His fans remember him as the “king of encores”, often playing back to back.

Following the news of the singer’s death, fans’ condolences poured in on his Instagram page. “May you rest in peace. Gone far too soon. So tragic, sending love and prayers to his family and friends,” read one fan’s message. “Your music will live on. God bless you. Peace and love forever,” read another.