
New Atlanta school superintendent told to focus on special needs students

In Atlanta Public Schools, nearly 6,000 students benefit from Individualized Education Programs, designed to tailor the learning environment to their unique needs. These students include 4,709 students in traditional schools and 1,236 students in charter and APS partner schools. Yet, despite a documented IEP and the provision of recommended special education services, many of these students still fall through the cracks, underserved and overlooked.

Disparities in identifying and supporting these children contribute to a cycle of inequality that can impact their educational and social development throughout their lives. This moment, at the beginning of a change in leadership under Johnson, compels us to act decisively to improve educational services for all students, especially those with special needs.

The APS Board of Directors must prioritize effective special education practices now, ensuring that our next superintendent continues without interruption the essential work begun by Interim Superintendent Danielle Battle. There are several issues that need to be addressed urgently by our new superintendent.

First, we must address children who are undiagnosed, misdiagnosed, or have not yet been identified. Quality education must include clear and effective ways to assess student progress. Additionally, labeling behaviors without understanding their context or root causes can lead to misdiagnoses and inappropriate educational pathways for students. APS must invest more in social-emotional learning and supports that consider the whole student, fostering an environment where every child can thrive.

Second, ongoing issues of redistricting and overcrowding often overshadow the need for robust special education services. As schools in the Washington, Jackson, and Douglas clusters are redesigned to address capacity issues, the basic needs of students with special needs are often left behind. This approach does not solve the underlying problem; it simply displaces it. Let’s not just move students around; let’s commit to providing every child with the support they need to succeed.

Additionally, many parents are hesitant to request an assessment due to fear of stigma or red tape. Our child care providers must foster an environment where parents feel empowered and supported to advocate for their children’s needs. This includes ensuring they are present at IEP meetings and fully informed about the processes and supports available.

Finally, the Atlanta Board of Education must support our new superintendent in holding community meetings to ensure an action plan to provide an equitable education for every student, regardless of ability or learning style. It is imperative that the board’s actions reflect a commitment to the success of all students, grounded in equity and inclusion, because when we say, “We believe in the potential of all children,” we must commit to making that belief a reality for every student, regardless of ability.

To the 640+ Atlanta parents, educators, and community members who already support us, your voice is crucial. Join Atlanta Thrive in demanding that APS not only plan for the future, but also act in the present to provide the high-quality, inclusive education our students with special needs deserve.

Together, we can ensure that the leadership transition reinforces, rather than disrupts, our progress toward an education system that values ​​and elevates every student. Together, we can prioritize critical areas such as literacy, special education, family engagement, and most importantly, culture and climate to ensure every child in our district thrives.

Let us hold all our leaders accountable and ensure that no student is left behind in our quest for educational equity.

Kimberly Dukes is a mother of 10 children. She is the co-founder and executive director of the nonprofit Atlanta Thrive. Atlanta Thrive seeks to empowering parents to combat inequality in education.