
Hysterical agitation against refugees and immigrants after knife attack in Mannheim

Since the knife attack on Mannheim’s market square on May 31, in which a police officer was killed, the anti-Islamic media campaign in Germany has continued unabated. Leading politicians from the established parties, especially former Left Party leader Sahra Wagenknecht, are going all out in hysterical hate campaigns against Muslims, calling for an “end to tolerance” and merciless deportations, including to Afghanistan. Shortly before the European elections, they are doing everything they can to poison the climate in Germany and move it to the right.

On Friday, May 31, a young Afghan attacked a rally of the anti-Islamic civil movement Pax Europa (BPE) with a knife. A police officer who intervened was so badly injured that he died two days later; several participants were also injured, some seriously.

The attacker, who was shot by police officers, is still in hospital six days after the incident and is unresponsive. 25-year-old Sulaiman A. fled to Germany from Afghanistan with his brother ten years ago. He is now married, has two children and lives in Heppenheim, Hesse. He had a high school diploma and was involved in refugee aid. He repeatedly took on odd jobs but was unable to find permanent employment, not least because the immigration authorities refused to grant him a permanent residence permit despite his marriage to a German woman.

According to his neighbors, Sulaiman A. had only recently become radicalized when he attacked BPE chairman Michael Stürzenberger and several of his supporters on Friday, fatally injuring a police officer.

The way in which this case has been used for political purposes since then is unprecedented. Top politicians are calling for harsher punishments and deportations, including to Afghanistan and Syria. Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) described the attack on a police officer as an “attack on all of us” and Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) promised to provide the security authorities with better financial resources. “Stop the false tolerance!” shouted Lindner. The CDU/CSU called for a debate in the Bundestag with the aim of “better protecting” the police officers and examining deportations to Afghanistan.

Interior Minister Nancy Faeser announced harsh penalties:

“The perpetrator must be punished for his murder with the greatest possible severity of the law,” said the SPD politician. The security authorities have “the Islamist scene firmly in their sights.” On Tuesday, Faeser went a step further and emphasized: “It is clear to me that people who pose a potential threat to Germany’s security must be deported quickly. … Germany’s security interests clearly outweigh the interests of those affected in staying.”

YouTube video by Sahra Wagenknecht. “Radical Islam does not belong in Germany!” (Photo via screenshot)

Sahra Wagenknecht, who now leads the BSW split from the Left Party, made particularly nationalistic and repulsive statements. In the style of the AfD, she railed in an election campaign video about the “serious problem of failed integration: Islamist parallel societies are becoming entrenched.” The situation has been “exacerbated by non-integrated immigration,” she said.