
Catholics oppose Buffalo Diocese’s expulsion of cathedral’s gay men’s choir

The Diocese of Buffalo has canceled a planned concert by the city’s gay choir, which was to have been held at the local cathedral as part of a citywide choral festival. However, some Catholics, including a U.S. congressman, have pushed back.

THE Buffalo Gay Men’s Choir was scheduled to perform at St. Joseph’s Cathedral as part of an event hosted by the Greater Buffalo Friends of Music, who had also invited several other singing groups. However, the Diocese of Buffalo ultimately decided not to host the concert because “the choir designated to perform is a group whose values ​​are incompatible with Catholic teaching.” A diocesan spokesperson later confirmed it was the gay men’s choir.

The Buffalo Gay Men’s Choir issued a statement expressing frustration with the diocese’s lack of inclusion, posting on Facebook:

“The Buffalo Gay Men’s Chorus is angered and deeply disappointed to learn that the choral festival scheduled for Sunday, June 9 at St. Joseph’s Cathedral was to be canceled by the Catholic Diocese, in part due to the inclusion of the Buffalo Gay Men’s Chorus . »

“This news, announced less than three weeks before an event that many groups have been preparing for almost a year, came a few days after our concert, WALK TOGETHER, which promoted and celebrated unity, love, acceptance , community and resistance to those who consider us unworthy of dignity and life based on who we love, and a few months after our trip to Minneapolis to participate in the GALA Choruses Festival, to perform a set sharing our joy of being part of the Buffalo community.

After St. Joseph Cathedral revoked its hall space, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in the same city offered to host the show instead. According to Rev. Jeff Wilson, the church’s senior pastor:

“There is something in the Lutheran Church called Reconciling in Christ. And being reconciled in Christ means that we as a Church have gone through a process in which we have a welcoming statement that says we welcome and affirm all God’s people.

“People may see it or think that we are trying to be politically correct or adhere to a particular political agenda. But love is not partisan. So we think it’s an honor and a privilege to host people.

Some Buffalo Catholics opposed the diocese’s expulsion of the choir.

Rep. Tim Kennedy, a Democrat who represents the city, wrote a public letter to Bishop Michael Fisher asking him to reconsider the decision. Kennedy writes “as someone raised in the Catholic faith, part of a family of practicing Catholics,” he recognizes the Church’s position on LGBTQ+ issues. Yet the decision is “antithetical to the Church’s own teachings and should be reversed.” Kennedy continued:

“Moreover, in our own community of Buffalo, in the shadow of a massacre that occurred just two years ago, due in part to societal intolerance toward our inherent or perceived differences, I believe that “It is even more important that we cultivate a sense of love, tolerance and belonging for all, despite our own personal disagreements or even disapproval with the way each person lives their own life.

“As Jesus himself said to his disciples: “Walk with me.” Imagine what the Gospel would read if it only said, “Come to me if I agree with you, otherwise find someone else to follow or somewhere else to go.” . . .

“The Buffalo Gay Men’s Chorus should be celebrated, not canceled. I saw them in all their splendor and glory. . .Their voices, coupled with the beauty of St. Joseph’s Cathedral, would capture the spirit of God in a way that would touch us all.

Courtney Scime wrote in Buffalo News that, as a “lifelong Catholic,” a graduate of Notre Dame and the father of three sons at a local Catholic school, Scime was “compelled to respond briefly.” The letter explains:

“The decision to cancel the concert with a gay choir is not only wrong but harmful. . .If Jesus were here, he would welcome all marginalized people with open arms. Beyond the error, the situation is most worrying when there is an epidemic of teenage suicides and a political climate of growing hatred in our society. The highest rates of adolescent suicide are among the LGBTQ+ population. For what ? Well, because they’re marginalized, bullied, mistreated – all of this cruelty is fueled by decisions like this, decisions that send the message “you’re bad because of who you are.” I could write volumes but I am limited – please consider the harm caused by decisions like this.

Scime also noted that a third of Buffalo’s parishes will likely be closed or merged due to declining membership, about which the author comments: “There is a connection between decisions like this and a decline in membership.” registrations”.

Robert Strauss, artistic director of the Buffalo Gay Men’s Chorus, was initially disappointed with the diocese’s decision, especially since the group had been invited a year earlier. He thanked Holy Trinity Lutheran Church for providing a “wonderful ending” to the situation, saying:

“The support we have received from the Greater Buffalo Friends of Music and Holy Trinity has been incredible. So this maintains our confidence in the Buffalo community and the city of good neighbors.

Catholic institutions should learn from the gracious actions of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. This community’s outward support for the LGBTQ+ community shows that unconditional love and acceptance is possible in religious spaces.

Sarah Cassidy (she/her) and Robert Shine (he/him), New Ways Ministry, June 12, 2024