
Air Quality Warning Day declared for DeSoto County

Today’s weather forecast calls for an Air Quality Action Alert or Code Orange day for the Memphis metropolitan area, including DeSoto County.

Members of the DeSoto County Ozone Precursor Reduction Program should implement their emission reduction plans.

Potential effects on humans: People who spend long periods of time outdoors and people who are sensitive to ozone, such as young children, the elderly and people with respiratory diseases, may experience breathing difficulties during strenuous outdoor activities in the afternoon and early evening. These people should limit their outdoor exertion.

Prohibitions: All open fires are prohibited in DeSoto County on Tuesday, June 11, 2024.

How can you help: Although ozone is not released directly into the air, it is created by chemical reactions in the atmosphere between nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and is the main component of “smog”. The following actions can make a BIG difference in reducing ozone and increasing the number of Ozone Action Days for Air Quality:

1. Drive slower, leave early. Stick to the speed limit and avoid rapid acceleration. You will use less fuel, produce fewer emissions and be a safer driver.

2. Use public transportation, carpool or rideshare. Even if you do this just once or twice a week, you will reduce traffic congestion and pollution and save money.

3. Have fun! Walk or ride a bike. It’s a great way to get around and can help you and the air stay healthy. Vehicles on the road cause more than 25 percent of all air pollution nationwide.

4. Mow your lawn after 6 p.m. Cooler temperatures are less likely to produce ozone. Also consider using electric lawn mowers.

5. Combine trips. It’s easy! You probably already do this – you combine your errands into one trip. This helps you get things done and helps reduce traffic congestion and air pollution.

6. Refuel when it’s cool. Refueling during cooler times of the day or in the evening can prevent gasoline vapors from heating up and forming ozone.

7. Do not overfill. This will release gasoline fumes into the air and negate the benefits of the gas pump’s emission control devices. Therefore, stopping just before the tank is full is safer and reduces pollution. Regular maintenance and tuning, changing the oil and checking tire pressure can also reduce gasoline consumption.

8. Telecommuting. Ask your employer what options there are to save time, money and the flight.

9. Don’t be an “American Idle.” Don’t let your car idle. Drive to your car rather than use the drive-thru.

10. Spread the word. If everyone follows just a few of these simple steps, it could make a big difference.

The accuracy of the ozone forecast depends on the accuracy of the weather forecast.

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