
Flynn wants to suspend parking fees in Westport – News

A Westport city councillor called for the abolition of fees on public parking lots around the city until they are “returned to their intended purpose and safe for motorists and pedestrians”.

At the Westport Belmullet Local Government Area meeting last week, Councillor Peter Flynn told members: “Car parking in Westport is currently in a deplorable state, with really poor road markings, potholes and dangerous surfaces.

“In the Murrisk car park model at the Reek, we give a portion of the revenue to the maintenance of the facility. I propose that we also take a percentage of the revenue from our local car parks to fund repair work. They need to be safe so that people can get out of their cars.

“That’s why I propose to suspend parking fees in our main car parks until we have ensured appropriate standards there. And if we cannot finance this, we will have to finance it from government revenues.”