
Norwich student and Plattsburgh High School graduate die in hiking accident in Germany

THEREAFTER. So far the police have no one in custody. (áááJACKááá) COMMUNITIES IN NORTHERN NEW YORK AND VERMONT tonight mourn the loss of one of their own… (áááVOááá) ISAIAH TRUNCK, a NORWICH STUDENT and PLATTSBURGH HIGH SCHOOL graduate, died May 12th – after being in was involved in a hiking accident in the BAVARIAN ALPS IN GERMANY. The 18-year-old college freshman was an international studies student in Norwich – hoping to join the Marines. He also participated in various programs at the school – including the university’s cadet corps, Model UN and the school’s boxing club… University officials say they plan to set up a public memorial in the fall once students return TO CAMPUS. AND RESOURCES ARE AVAILABLE TO ANYONE WHO NEEDS THEM… (áááSTILLááá) IN A STATEMENT TO NBC5, NORWICH UNIVERSITY, SAY THEY UNDERSTAND THE NEWS IS SHOCKING AND DIFFICULT TO PROCESS, AND IT’S TIME REMEMBERING THE IMPORTANCE OF COMMUNITY. (áááSTILLááá) PLATTSBURGH CITY SCHOO

Norwich student and Plattsburgh High School graduate die in hiking accident in Germany

18-year-old Isaiah Trunck died on May 12 after a hiking accident in the Bavarian Alps

Communities in northern New York and central Vermont are mourning the loss of one of their loved ones. Isaiah Trunck, a Norwich University student and Plattsburgh High School graduate, died May 12 after a hiking accident in the Bavarian Alps in Germany. The 18-year-old freshman was studying international studies in Norwich and aspired to join the Marines. He was actively involved in various programs at the university, including the Corps of Cadets, Model UN and the school’s boxing club. University officials are planning a public memorial service in the fall once students return to campus. In the meantime, resources are available for those who need support. In a statement to NBC5, the University of Norwich said: “We understand that this sudden and shocking news may be difficult to process and will affect members of our community in different ways. During this time, we are reminded of the importance of community.”The City of Plattsburgh The school district also expressed its condolences, stating, “Whenever we experience the loss of someone associated with our district, we activate our crisis response team and provide assistance to students, faculty and Staff available to support students.”

Communities in northern New York and central Vermont are mourning the loss of one of their loved ones.

Isaiah Trunck, a Norwich University student and Plattsburgh High School graduate, died May 12 after a hiking accident in the Bavarian Alps in Germany.

The 18-year-old freshman was studying international studies in Norwich and aspired to join the Marines. He was actively involved in various programs at the university, including the Corps of Cadets, Model UN and the school’s boxing club.

University officials are planning a public memorial service in the fall once students return to campus. In the meantime, resources are available for those who need support.

In a statement to NBC5, the University of Norwich said: “We understand that this sudden and shocking news may be difficult to process and will affect members of our community in different ways. During this time we are reminded of the importance of community.”

The Plattsburgh City School District also expressed its condolences, saying, “Whenever we experience the loss of an individual associated with our district, we activate our crisis response team and provide student support to students, faculty and staff.”