
Lagos government announces prosecution of police officer for raping girl at police station

The Lagos State Domestic and Sexual Violence Agency (DSVA) says it will pursue the case to the end and ensure justice for the 17-year-old girl who was allegedly raped by a policeman at Ogudu police station.

Agency spokeswoman Joke Ladenegan-Oginni made the statement Wednesday in a post shared via the X-handle @LSdsva.

“The Agency was informed of a disturbing incident in which a police officer allegedly violated a child at a police station. Upon receipt of the report, DSVA immediately arranged the necessary referrals for comprehensive medical and psychosocial support, which were promptly provided to the survivor.

“This matter was immediately referred to the Gender Desk of the Lagos State Police,” she said.

Ms Ladenegan-Oginni said the case was currently being carefully investigated.

“We wish to assure the public that a thorough investigation is currently underway. We trust that the leadership of the Lagos State Police Command will conduct a thorough and transparent investigation into this incident.

“We believe this is critical to maintaining public trust,” she said.

Ms Ladenegan-Oginni added: “We reaffirm the Lagos State Government’s zero tolerance policy towards all forms of domestic and sexual violence and reiterate our commitment to protecting the rights and dignity of all survivors.”

Mrs Ladenegan-Oginni appealed to the public to report all cases of domestic and sexual violence on the toll-free number 08000-333-333 or via direct message on the social media platform @lagosdsva.

The officer is said to have raped the youth in Operational Area H in Ogudu. The girl was sexually assaulted while trying to retrieve her phone which had been stolen by suspected criminals.

The officer offered to help the girl recover her phone and lured her to the police station by saying that the phone had already been found and the thief had been arrested.

It was reported that he forced her to have sexual intercourse at gunpoint when she arrived at his office.