
“The Rubicon has been crossed” – Head of the Azov Brigade calls for investigation against Ukrainian military commander

Bohdan Krotevych, Chief of Staff of the Azov National Guard Brigade, has officially asked the State Investigation Bureau (DBR) to launch an investigation against Lieutenant General Yuri Sodol, Commander of the Joint Forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

The media outlet Ukrainska Pravda contacted the DBR office and asked for confirmation and learned that a corresponding request had been made.

Although the general’s name was not mentioned in the DBR or in Krotevych’s telegram, sources told Ukrainska Pravda that it was Sodol.

In a Telegram post, Krotevych accuses the unnamed general of abuse of office and incompetent leadership, which he believes led to significant territorial losses and the deaths of numerous Ukrainian soldiers. Krotevych has declared his willingness to testify in the case.

“I called for an investigation against a military general who, in my opinion, is responsible for more Ukrainian victims than any Russian general. I do not care if they investigate me or put me in prison,” Krotevych said in his statement.

“It is unacceptable that lower-ranking officers are condemned for the loss of observation posts, but the general is not held accountable for the loss of entire regions and thousands of soldiers.”

He continued to criticize the current fighting conditions and emphasized the extraordinary heroism of the soldiers and lower-ranking officers who, in his opinion, were successful despite inadequate leadership.

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According to the First Deputy Minister of Defense, at that time more than 90,000 Russian soldiers stationed far across Russian territory were preparing for a new attack.

Krotevych accused the general of targeting commanders who had performed well while avoiding responsibility for his own mistakes.

“This person initiates investigations against commanders who are promoted and do not lose their positions, but he does not initiate internal investigations against himself,” Krotevych wrote, concluding his statement by saying: “The Rubicon has been crossed.”