
Thoughts on Atlanta Authorship

The story of fatherhood is full of complexity, woven with threads of joy, pain, presence and absence. Each father’s story adds a unique stitch to the larger societal tapestry, influencing community dynamics and the lives of individuals. In Atlanta, I saw first-hand how empowered fathers can transform families and communities, turning challenges into triumphs and fostering resilience and stability in young people.

This Father’s Day, as we reflect on the roles we play and the legacies we leave, let’s reflect on the echoes of our actions. Let us strive to be present, to engage meaningfully with our children and our communities, and to ensure that the echoes we leave behind are those of love, guidance and support .

The journey to fatherhood is never lonely, although it can sometimes be. It is a journey traveled together with our children, our partners and our communities. It is a role that, once adopted, can transform not only the lives of individuals but also the entire social landscape.

As I continue my work in Atlanta, I am reminded daily of the power of fatherhood. It’s a role I grew up in, learned from, and continue to deeply respect. Let the echoes of our fathers inspire us to be better, to do better, and to create a community where every child can flourish under the guidance of loving and committed fathers. This is the legacy I strive to build and the message I share this Father’s Day: echoes of the past, shaping a better future.

My “why”, at the heart of my mission, is deeply rooted in my DNA – fueled by my past experiences and the absence of a father figure in critical moments of my life. This personal story imbued me with a relentless desire to fill this void for others, ensuring that the cycle of absence is broken and replaced with a model of responsible, present and impactful fatherhood. My life’s work is a testament to this mission, a dedication to transforming personal echoes of desire and absence into a chorus of presence and positive influence, resonating across communities and generations.

Kenneth Braswell is Managing Director of Fathers Incorporated.