
Palestinian journalist becomes target of right-wing Israeli mob

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Palestinian journalist Saif Al Qawasmi himself made headlines when dozens of far-right Israelis attacked him in front of the world media.

Al Qawasmi reported on the ultranationalist flag march in which tens of thousands of far-right Israelis, mostly teenagers, marched through the Muslim Quarter of Jerusalem’s Old City on Wednesday.

A photo showing Al Qawasmi being harassed by a mob of teenagers at the Damascus Gate quickly spread like wildfire on the Internet and became a symbol of the danger that this march poses to Palestinians and especially to journalists.

He was knocked to the ground and kicked repeatedly, sustaining a head injury.

“The settlers stole my phones and my film equipment, they beat me and insulted me,” he said. The National on Thursday after his ordeal.

“The life of a Palestinian journalist is very difficult, especially in Jerusalem. But after October 7, Palestinian journalists became ordinary civilians, even terrorists, in the eyes of the police,” he said.

“Our lives became much harder because of arrests and beatings.”

After October 7, Palestinian journalists became ordinary civilians, even terrorists, in the eyes of the police.

Saif Al Qawasmi

Flag Day is one of the tensest days in the calendar for Palestinian residents of the area who live next to Al-Aqsa Mosque, Islam’s third holiest site and the target of repeated attacks.

Violence broke out during Wednesday’s march as groups of young Israeli protesters attacked the press and Palestinians.

The National I stumbled upon him seconds after the attack, as journalists sought safety from the mob in an alley.

The seriousness of the situation first became apparent when Palestinians, including elderly people, were heard running up the hill and screaming in fear as Israeli protesters approached them.

Palestinian journalist Saif Al Qawasmi was attacked during a Flag Day march – in pictures

The mob then retreated – the reason was unclear. Shortly afterwards, an Australian photographer was heard calling for help in a trembling voice.

He was among the first to tend to Al Qawasmi, who ran into the same alley after the attack.

Carrying first aid kits, The National As he ran down the hill toward the commotion, he found Al Qawasmi dazed, holding his head and sweating profusely. He needed medical attention, but that was impossible because the protesters were blocking the roads and it was too dangerous to escort him out.

Our medical tools designed to treat severe bleeding were useless for head injuries.

“Thank God I was able to escape from them, but I have injuries, including a head injury and injuries to the parts of my body where I was hit,” he said.

“Hate, racism and violence”

He was easily recognized as a journalist because he wore a blue flak jacket with the word “Press” written on it.

“Rowdy children rioted in the Old City, damaging Palestinian shops and using violence against Palestinians and journalists trying to do their work,” said Charlie Faulkner. The National‘s photographer.

“He was visibly shaken and in a lot of pain. We were just trying to comfort him and get him medical attention.”

Another photo shows Israeli journalist Nir Hasson holding Al Qawasmi to protect him from attacking protesters. Hasson himself was pushed to the ground and kicked.

An article about the incident in the Israeli daily HaaretzHasson said: “The Jerusalem Day flag march is an accurate thermometer for the state of Israeli society.

“It measures the level of hatred, racism and violence in religious Zionist society and the tolerance of the police and the rest of society towards these characteristics.”

“The diagnosis this year is terminal. Wednesday’s march was one of the most violent and ugly I have ever seen – and I have witnessed every one of them for the last 16 years,” he said.

Journalists from The NationalAFP, Reuters, Israeli media outlet Ynet and several freelancers were also attacked by the crowd.

Israeli police arrested 18 protesters and issued a stern statement: “We strongly condemn any attempt to harm journalists or other persons.”

Al Qawasmi, who was apparently the most seriously injured journalist, eventually escaped. Despite the risk of concussion, he continued reporting for the rest of the day and was later seen praying in the press area.

“This is not the first time I have been attacked and an attack like this puts me in a very difficult psychological position,” he said.

“But my professional duty, especially in Jerusalem, will continue and we will not stop covering the story. However, there is fear. This week I will not film because I am afraid and because I have injuries.”

Updated: June 6, 2024, 3:25 p.m.