
British woman escapes after being ‘kidnapped and raped’ by three men in Italy

Three men were arrested in Italy after a British woman they allegedly kept as a sex slave and repeatedly abused escaped, police said.

The 39-year-old woman, originally from the north of England, is said to have been held captive in a remote house in the southwestern town of Rosarno in Calabria.

She had traveled there with Mamadou Jallow, whom she had originally met on Facebook.

When they arrived in the country, Jallow, 37, allegedly emptied her bank account, stole her phone and took her captive.

He then raped her repeatedly and allowed two other men to abuse her over the course of two weeks.

She finally managed to grab her phone and call her family for help.

They had already contacted Interpol after not hearing from her for several months.

The police traced the call to the house and called her to persuade her to escape and direct her to safety. Officials are said to have found them in a “terrible condition”.

She told them that she had originally traveled to Germany to meet Jallow in person, but the two fled the country after he stabbed a rival during a drug dispute.

Police have now arrested Jallow, who is originally from Burkino Faso, on suspicion of kidnapping, enslavement, serious and sustained sexual violence and theft.

The other two men – from Mali – are also in custody.

The case comes as A man is put on trial in Milan over the alleged kidnapping of British glamor model Chloe Ayling.