
AAIB Report: Boeing 767 Incident, February 10, 2023

During takeoff from Edinburgh Airport to New York, a blade on a high-pressure turbine in the right engine broke. The blade damaged five other blades, but the engine was still able to generate thrust. The unbalanced turbine caused vibrations so severe that a slat rail housing drain pipe in the wing broke, causing fuel to leak from the right wing fuel tank.

Due to severe engine vibration, the flight crew diverted the aircraft to Prestwick Airport. During the diversion, fuel leaking from the wing ignited due to the hot engine exhaust. This was captured on video by a passenger, but the flames were extinguished before landing. The aircraft landed promptly and with full emergency services on hand. After the aircraft arrived at the stand, the airport fire service noticed the fuel leaking from the right wing and took steps to contain the fuel and prevent it from igniting on the hot engine or brakes. The passengers were able to quickly deplane without injury.

A safety advisory has been submitted to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requiring Boeing Aircraft Company to demonstrate that the design of the slat track housing drain pipe on the Boeing 767 family of aircraft continues to meet certification requirements for large transport aircraft following this serious incident.

Read the report.