
A 31-year-old British Army soldier who “celebrated” his colleague’s bottom at a game of beer pong and groped her while she played pool in the canteen will be sacked for sexual assault

A British Army soldier who “celebrated” a female colleague’s bottom during a game of beer pong and then groped her while playing pool has been dismissed for sexual assault.

Corporal Frazer Ewan was discharged from military service after 15 years of service after he “harassed” and “humiliated” the woman during a night at the casino.

The 31-year-old, who served twice in Afghanistan, claimed the couple were “flirting” but a military judge ignored this and said: “They sexually abused her.”

The victim told the court martial she was forced to continue working with Cpl Ewan after the incident and felt he was “favored up the chain of command”.

Now the soldier, who joined the armed forces at the age of 16, has been kicked out of the army because of his “unwanted sexual behavior”.

Pictured: Corporal Frazer Ewan outside the Bulford Military Court Center where he was discharged for sexually assaulting a female colleague
Cpl Ewan was sentenced to 140 days in military custody and suspended for 12 months by Assistant Attorney General Jane England

Bulford Military Court in Wiltshire heard about the incidents which took place in the mess hall while the two soldiers were chatting.

Prosecuting, Lieutenant Colonel Chris Adair, told the court: “At some point in the evening there was a game of beer pong.”

“During this game, Corporal Ewan took the opportunity to touch or hit her buttocks on two occasions.

“These two incidents were approximately 20 minutes apart.

“Each time the victim turned around, at which point Corporal Ewan immediately apologized for his actions.”

Later that evening the victim began “playing pool” and some time later Cpl Ewan – who is part of the 5 Rifles Regiment based in Bulford – “placed his hand on her buttocks”.

Lieutenant-Colonel Adair said the victim was then touched again by Cpl Ewan – when he placed his hand on her and “pulled” it over her bottom.

The victim left the chaos because she had “had enough” and Lt Col Adair said: “Approximately an hour after returning to her accommodation, (the victim) noticed an incoming call from Corporal Ewan on her phone.”

“Corporal Ewan tried to call her again the next day and sent her a message asking to speak to her.”

He added: “He had tried to call her to apologize for the offense he had caused.”

The victim reported Cpl Ewan to duty police and he was later interviewed.

Mr Adair said: “He admitted to slapping but claimed this was a beer pong celebration. “He said there was some flirting.”

The prosecutor said Lieutenant-Colonel Ewan admitted he “put his hand on her back but could not recall any further action between the two”.

In a statement, the victim told the court: “After the attack happened I was embarrassed and very upset.”

“It was hard to admit what had happened because I had to make people believe that what I was saying was the truth.”

Cpl Ewan pleaded guilty to two counts of sexual assault for grabbing the victim’s bottom while playing pool

The victim said after the attack she felt Cpl Ewan was “favored up the chain of command”.

She continued: “Since the incident I have found it difficult to cope and I have to see him regularly.”

“I was embarrassed to talk to people about what had happened. I couldn’t bring myself to tell people what had happened.

“What this man did was appalling and no woman should be subjected to this behavior.”

Cpl Ewan pleaded guilty to two counts of sexual assault relating to the buttock grab while playing pool.

Representing him, Holly Fagan said: “He is appalled by his behavior and understands it should never have happened.”

“He’s deeply ashamed and sorry, and that’s not at all in keeping with his character.”

Ms Fagan said the soldier had “not entered into any intimate relationships” since the attack, adding: “This shows he is keen to address his mistake and behavior before entering into any further relationships.”

She said Lieutenant-Colonel Ewan had been involved in two tours of Afghanistan and said: “The army is all he knows.”

“He has been in the army since he was 16 and I plead here on behalf of Cpl Ewan – if he were released he would lose his identity,” she said.

Ms Fagan pleaded for the soldier not to be discharged, adding: “All the skills and experience he has gained could be used for the benefit of the Army and the country in the years to come.”

Deputy Attorney General Jane England dismissed Cpl Ewan from the army.

Explaining the case, the judge highlighted the first touches during the game of beer pong – and how the victim, despite “staring” at the soldier, continued to attack her.

“This touching is not the subject of the charge, but it does provide the context for your behavior in harassing her throughout the night,” she said.

She told Cpl Ewan: “She could have enjoyed her night without your unwanted sexual behaviour.”

“You sexually assaulted her by touching her bottom twice.”

“Your behavior contributed to her inability to enjoy (disorder).

“She felt worried and hopeless because of your behavior towards her. ‘She felt the chain of command favored you over her.’

Judge England continued: “This was repeated, unwanted conduct towards a colleague.”

“It was under the influence.” It happened in front of others, which led to humiliation.

“It was clear your behavior was unwelcome and it was in a safe place in the mess hall.”

The judge said Cpl Ewan had a “virtually impeccable record” but the Ministry of Defense had a zero-tolerance policy towards sexual assault.

She suggested the Army conduct a review of how the victim was treated through the chain of command following the incidents.

Cpl Ewan was discharged and sentenced to 140 days in military custody and a suspended sentence of 12 months.