
Neil Gaiman accused of sexual assault

Both victims claim that Gaiman had rough and unwanted sex

British author Neil Gaiman has been accused of sexual harassment by two different women.

According to a comprehensive investigation by Tortoise Media, the alleged incidents occurred nearly 20 years apart and involve two women who had consensual relationships with the author. The first woman to come forward, a 23-year-old named Scarlett, was working as a nanny for Gaiman’s child in his New Zealand home at the time of the incident in 2022.

Scarlett claims Gaiman attacked her in a bathtub within hours of their first meeting at his apartment. They had a three-week relationship that both said was consensual. However, Scarlett claims Gaiman performed “rough and degrading penetrative sexual acts” on her, some of which were non-consensual. Tortoise reports that her allegations were corroborated by “contemporaneous messages, notes, and … friends who spoke to Scarlett at the time.”

The second incident occurred years earlier, believed to be in the mid-2000s. The victim, identified as K, was 18 when she met Neil Gaiman at a book signing in Florida in 2003 – they began a consensual relationship when K was 20 and Gaiman was in his mid-40s. K claims that throughout their relationship, Gaiman engaged in rough and painful penetrative sex that she “neither wanted nor enjoyed.” Tortoise reports that at one point, K was suffering from a painful infection and refused sex with Gaiman, but he ignored her and continued to penetrate her.

Neil Gaiman denies allegations that he had non-consensual sex with the two women. The incident with Scarlett was initially reported to the New Zealand police, who then launched an investigation into Gaiman. The author claims he offered to assist the New Zealand police with Scarlett’s complaint, but they declined, saying their investigation was ongoing.

Regarding Scarlett’s complaint, Gaiman told Tortoise that the bathtub incident was just cuddling and making out and that their relationship only culminated in “consensual digital penetration.” He also claimed that Scarlett’s allegations are the result of a medical condition associated with “false memories,” which Tortoise says is not supported by her medical records and history. Regarding K’s allegations, Gaiman claimed they were motivated by “her regret over the relationship” and denies any unlawful conduct toward her.

Gaiman, 63, is a bestselling author known for novels, comics and film and television projects such as The Sandman, Good Omens, Coraline, Stardustand more. Most recently, he was executive producer of the Netflix Sandman spin off Dead Boy Detectives.

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