
Motorcade of Colombian Vice President France Márquez attacked

Bullet holes in the attack on Francia Marquez, July 10, 2024 Photo: @elpaiscali

July 10, 2024 Hour: 22:30

The vice president added that she was about to fulfill another obligation of her agenda in Cali when her vehicle was hit.

Another attack on Colombia’s Vice President France Márquez occurred on Wednesday in Valle del Cauca, according to statements made by the Colombian Vice President.

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In this sense, France Márquez pointed out that “I have been informed by my security and protection team that the main vehicle of the vice-presidential caravan, in which I usually travel, was hit by a projectile that appeared to have come from a rifle (…) and that penetrated the vehicle without causing any injuries to the occupants”.

The vice president noted that the incidents occurred shortly after he left the municipality of Suárez in Cauca to visit the new headquarters of the University of the Valley for the north of Cauca, adding that he was in Cali to fulfill another commitment on his agenda.

“This time we have nothing to regret, but I cannot help but express my enormous concern for Cauca and the ongoing tensions that my people experience daily throughout the region,” the vice president insisted.

Official statement on the new attack on Vice President Francia Marquez in Spanish

Márquez said: “We have come to bring the public university to Suarez and we will not give up in this effort for the future of our people.”

On the other hand, France Márquez called on the armed groups to silence their guns, allow the Cauca to live in peace and advance the university program in their territory.