
PermitUsNow Provides Essential Permitting Guidance for Houston Homeowners Rebuilding After a Devastating Storm

HOUSTON, May 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — PermitUsNow, a leading permitting company recognized for transforming building permitting processes across Houston, is ready to help commercial and residential property owners with essential permitting advice following recent severe weather. The strong winds and the rain that hit May 16, 2024caused an estimate 5 billion dollars has 7 billion dollars in material damage, particularly impacting the city center Houston and the Heights. While many businesses are temporarily closed and power restoration efforts are underway, PermitUsNow is available to help the community navigate the permitting process.

Drawing on extensive disaster recovery experience, the PermitUsNow team understands the urgency and frustration homeowners face when beginning repairs after a natural disaster like last Thursday’s tornado. Desperate to begin rebuilding, many homeowners may neglect the crucial step of obtaining necessary building permits or, in some cases, contractors may neglect this responsibility. Skipping the permitting process can lead to safety risks, code violations known as “red tags,” and complications with insurance claims. For more information on handling insurance claims, see the Insurance Claims Guidelines.

“Our office, located downtown Houston, witnessed the widespread destruction firsthand. Damage to commercial office buildings, restaurants, trees, cars, etc. are overwhelming. Our goal is to be a beacon of light for those who need help rebuilding.,” said Hélène Callierpresident of PermitUsNow.

Top permitting tips for landowners:

  1. Identify the correct licensing authority: Determine if your property falls under the jurisdiction of Harris CountyTHE City of Houstonthe town of Katy, or Fort Bend County, or others. Contact the appropriate authority to ensure you are applying for the correct permits.
  2. Understanding the required permits: Structural repairs such as repairing fallen, warped or cracked walls, blown out windows and collapsed roofs require planning permission. Check with your local permit office for a complete list of required permits.
  3. Work with approved contractors: Make sure your contractor is licensed and obtains the necessary permits. Verify their credentials via Contractor Verification.
  4. Prepare the necessary documentation: Gather all required documents, such as plans, scope of work, construction cost. and contractor details, to streamline the permitting process.
  5. Schedule inspections: Once permits are obtained, schedule necessary inspections at key points during the reconstruction to ensure safety standards are met.
  6. Stay informed: Stay up to date with local building codes and regulations to avoid compliance issues.
  7. Liquidation: Ensure the contractor obtains a final inspection from the jurisdiction on the work performed and properly close out the project and file documentation, as required.

PermitUsNow has activated its toll-free line, 1.844.PERMIT.4to answer questions and provide advice on obtaining necessary building permits for commercial and residential property owners.

We have extensive experience helping commercial and residential property owners obtain permits after storms and floods. Answering permitting questions from the communities in which we live, work and play is a critical part of our mission.,” said Moruf Jimohpermit manager at PermitUsNow.

Repairing and rebuilding homes and businesses can be a stressful process, and permit requirements can be confusing. PermitUsNow encourages landowners to also visit their jurisdiction’s permitting website for additional information on obtaining a permit.

For years, PermitUsNow has helped commercial property owners and owners obtain permits after natural disasters in Houstonalong the Gulf Coast and other areas. Commercial and residential property owners are encouraged to call PermitUsNow for assistance at 1.844.PERMIT.4. or visit

About PermitUsNow

PermitUsNow is a dynamic company transforming the state of building permits nationwide. PermitUsNow helps architects, contractors and project owners do what they love to do best, which helps them achieve their clients’ goals. PermitUsNow’s staff is made up of permitting process and code experts who have worked with more than 700 jurisdictions in Texas and in other cities of North America. PermitUsNow staff write and contribute articles to industry publications and have published a daily building permit tracker to help contractors manage their permits.

Companies such as BRIZO, HEB, United Airlines, CVS, ATKINS and Burns and McDonnell have saved time and money during the pre-construction phase of their projects with support from PermitUsNow. With this operational efficiency, these PermitUsNow customers were able to open new locations, connect with more customers, and reach profitability faster.

For more information about Callier and PermitUsNow, please visit

Media Contact:
Len Cal
(email protected)

SOURCE PermitUsNow