
Local teenager arrested after allegedly smashing windows of his aunt’s car

A local teenager was arrested on felony and misdemeanor charges after allegedly smashing several car windows outside his aunt’s home Sunday morning following a short foot chase.

Juan Manuel Isau, 19, of Linwood Avenue, was arrested just before 8 a.m. He is charged with first-degree criminal damage to property valued at more than $1,000, which carries a maximum prison sentence of six years, as well as fleeing on foot and obstructing government operations.

Isau, who has no prior criminal record, was held on $3,500 bail and was scheduled to appear in Garland County District Court on Monday.

According to the probable cause affidavit, Hot Springs Police Officer 1st Class Jamie Ugartechea responded to a residence on Linwood Avenue shortly after 6:30 a.m. Sunday morning to respond to an ongoing investigation that encountered a language barrier.

He contacted a woman who said her nephew, identified as Isau, who lives with her, came home and became angry because the front door was locked.

She claims Isau then picked up a concrete block and used it to smash the windows of several vehicles parked outside, including a 2001 Ford Ranger pickup truck and a 2001 Hyundai Accent.

She said Isau left the scene on foot, but she was able to describe him and his clothing. Ugartechea had spotted a man matching that description on Garland Avenue as he approached Central Avenue and notified other officers.

The woman stated that the situation with Isau was “an ongoing problem” and that he was becoming “increasingly aggressive and violent” towards her. She stated that she wanted to report him for the vandalism incident.

A few minutes later, Officer 1st Class Dawson Guzman arrived in the area of ​​the Linwood residence. He too had noticed the man matching the description walking along Garland’s path and was attempting to locate him.

During officers’ search, Isau was observed walking down the 300 block of Sanford Street, then running through a parking lot and running across Central back to Hagen Street. Isau then reportedly ran behind a residence on Brad Street and back onto Hagen Street.

While he was running, Isau fell at one point, “so that the police could shorten the distance,” Guzman said.

Officer Zach Hoofman attempted to subdue Isau with his taser, but both attempts missed. Isau continued running toward Dawer Street, crossed Hagen a third time, and then ran behind a residence in the 200 block of Hagen, where he was eventually arrested.